Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bride of Monsters Sketch Cards

Here are the last batch of the Prismacolor marker, monster sketch cards. Like the prior posts these were done using the same method of less detail more shape and tone. I found this style to be fun and fast but looking back at them a little over a week later, I kind of miss the detail work. The next batch of cards will be all watercolor and the subject is Nightmare Before Christmas. I started my next batch of cards that I'm currently working on are going to mix the watercolor with the markers.
I have also been working on oil painting these past couple of weeks. I'm really into painting right now and I just finished my first oil painting. One of my goals this year is to do a painting a week. I'm not quite up to that kind of speed but you have to start somewhere. The painting is too big for my scanner but as soon as I can take some good pictures of it I will post it.
On a side note, just finished a great book, "Inside the Business of Illustration". I heard about this book on the website http://www.escapefromillustrationisland.com (which is a most see site for any artist). Last month there was an article about most have books for illustrators and this was one of them. The book is mostly a dialogue between an art director and an illustrator. It looks at topics like style, ethics, promotion and the changing landscape of the illustration world. The book reads very quickly and offers some great insight.

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