Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Star Wars: New Hope Sketchin'

I just decided to draw characters from my favorite movies, Star Wars. o I thought I would start with New Hope characters. These are quick little sketches I did on my lunch break or right before bed.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Batman sketch

Here is a sketch I did for a friend. It is on toned paper with ink and color pencils.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Here is the second Photoshop painting in the Muppets line. Of course it is the drummer of the Electric Mayhem, Animal. He is such a great drummer he doesn't need no stinkin' sticks!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Ok, I'm trying to throw my hat into the Photoshop ring. I have always been resistant to working on Photoshop, but I sadly realize that it is the way art is mostly being done now. So, I'm trying digital painting. It still doesn't feel right, and I think it doesn't help that I'm working off of an ink drawing. I'm going to try working over pencil sketches and see how that goes. I do have more Muppets paintings coming soon. They are all going to be from ink drawings I have done. And i will be posting the line drawings and the painted versions on my Deviant Art site.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kiss shirt designs

Here are some shirt designs I did for a contest to create Kiss shirts. The first 2 were colored in Photoshop. While the last one was colored with Prismacolor markers and watercolor. Being a huge Kiss fan I know that most of their merch features photos of the band members. I wanted to try something more graphic for the first design. I took the cover to the Rock & Roll Over album and I tried to update it. I never really cared for the cartoony version of them on the cover so I tried for a more realistic version of them but I tried to keep the feel of the original in the backgrounds. The second design was for a girl's shirt. I figured most designs would be more for guys so I did this one to try and stand out a little. And the last design is of Gene Simmon's Dragon Boot. I did this one because I'm tired of Kiss stuff with just their image on it. So I went for something I thought looked cool and only fans would really get.
But, unfortunately I didn't win. I got mixed up on the due dates and only got the third design in. Well, it was still good practice.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I forgot to mention that this blog was mentioned on the Muppetcast podcast. It was a great surprise for me. My daughter thought it was cool that I was mentioned on it! So, this extra Muppet drawing is for Steve and the Muppetcast listeners.

Friday The 13th a few weeks late

Last weekend I had the chance to see the new Friday the 13th movie. The movie was a bit of a disapointment for me and my wife. I've never been the biggest fan of the franchise but it did make me want to take a stab (bad pun) at drawing Jason. And here are my lunch time scribbles.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Godzilla Vs Bettie Page

Today's post is a picture I did for an online gallery of "Godzilla vs" artwork. I was turned on to this project from Nicolas Caesar at http://www.scary-art.com/. He was very kind to let me in on the fun. The only rules for the artwork is that it has to be Godzilla vs something. For some reason I thought Godzilla fighting a huge Bettie Page would be fun! "Two enter only one can leave." The piece is 11" x 17" and is done with Prismacolor pens. The gallery itself can be found at www.myspace.com/godzilla_art. If the gallery proves to be popular the plans are to move the show into an actual gallery in the Sacramento area, so check it out!

Monday, February 23, 2009

First Post-Muppet Monday!

Hello everyone to my first blog post! What better way to kick things off then with a Muppet Monday. This picture is based on the cover to the first Muppet Album from 1977. I still have the record(which came out the year I was born). For Muppets fans it is a great album of fun Muppet songs and skits. The drawing was done on an 11" x 17" board with ink.

I find the muppets to be very fun to draw and I will be drawing Muppets often. If you are interested in learning more about the album check out http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/The_Muppet_Show_(album)

Or if you love podcasts(like me) check out the great Muppet Podcast

If you like send me some comments. And stay tuned for more!
